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Sign & Digital Ireland and Print Ireland

Sign & Digital Ireland and Print Ireland (incorporating Repro Ireland) 2009 is really taking shape. The events team are gearing up for the best show yet, which takes place 23-24th September 2009.

With floor space selling out fast, the event already has a prestigious list of exhibitors that includes; Applelec Sign Components, AXYZ Automation, Bowe Systec Ireland, Clinical Print Finishers UK, Consort Printing Machinery, DBC Group, Dennis D Evans, Delcam, Diatec/Hewlett-Packard, DWS Supplies, Ferag/WRH Marketing, Flag Makers, Friedheim International, G.E.S.S, IBS Konica Minolta, I.T.C Ltd, Litho Supplies, Magco, Miller Group, Nova Chrome, Photocast Products, Precision Image, Printing & Graphic Equipment, Renz, Robert Horne, Roland DG Ireland, Serigraf, Tekcel CNC Solutions, Tharstern, The Danwood Group, Total Imaging Solutions, Trimwel, Walter Nash and William Smith.

Those who have exhibited in previous years have found the show hugely beneficial, and visitors have also cited the show as the best way to network, find new products and keep their fingers on the pulse of this vibrant industry.

The new websites www.print-ireland.com and www.signanddigitalireland.com are now live. The sites have been updated, improved and designed to make your life easier. The site is constantly being updated, so please take a look to see the latest show news and information.

To book your stand, please contact: Alex Dann, 0044 208 651 7091, alex.dann@fav-house.com

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