Mimaki JV33 profiles for KPMF digital print films
Five of Kay Premium Marking Films most successful products were run on the printer by technical support specialists Optimise Print and users of the Mimaki JV33 and Rasterlink can now visit www.kpmf.com to download profiles.
These include KPMF's vehicle-wrapping films: VWS1 - the 100-micron K88011, and the 50-micron matt cast vinyl K75211 (VWS2), which was selected by Honda for the livery on their F1 cars last season and again for 2008/09.
Three multi-purpose, 75-micron, white calendered vinyls were also profiled by Optimise. K42011 is a monomeric glossy film with a three-year life; K52011 and K5301, respectively gloss and matt polymerics, are ideal for a five-year application.
For further information on KPMF digital media products, please contact UK distributor KPMF Direct Ltd on 01543 414163 or visit www.kpmfdirect.co.uk
For further information on the MIMAKI JV33 wide format printer, please contact Customer Services, Hybrid Services Ltd on telephone: 01270 501 900.