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EtchFAST - Long lasting impact

EtchFAST Plaque The company uses many materials, from stainless steel, glass, marble and stone to plastics and rigid laminates. As well as laser engraving and chemical etching, it supplies vinyl lettering; commemorative plaques, property signage, badges, labels and internal sign systems are just some of the goods available.

etchFAST says its trade prices are extremely competitive without scrimping on quality and great pride is taken to provide the best finish possible and a fast turnaround.

Signage is critical in promoting an image in the market. A tarnished name plate impacts negatively on both the sign maker and their client.

Where plaques and nameplates need to be durable enough to withstand extreme conditions and cope with sunlight and corrosive chemicals, chemical etching and engraving are good choices with long-lasting impact, even in extreme outdoor applications.

EtchFAST Falklands Plaque commemorating the 25th anniversary of the QE2's return to southampton in 1982. Both processes can be effectively carried out on a range of materials, stainless steel and brass being the most popular. For added protection panels can be baked with durable lacquer if requested.

etchFAST also manufactures plates for use in other areas of industry such as control panels, dials and badges, serialnumbered labels and more.

Visit www.etchfast.co.uk or telephone 0208 880 2070 for further information.

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