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KPMF: The new Matt Black film: Dull finish - bright future

One of the latest products from KPMF is part of their very successful VWS range. The new Matt Black film, K75322, generates a sophisticated, customised appearance and a consistent surface that completely transforms a vehicle's image. This premium cast vinyl achieves exceptional performance and, at just 80 micron thickness, provides superb conformability into recesses.

A BMW covered in matt black film from KPMFIn addition to creating a whole new 'look', Matt Black puts an end to 'wax and polish'. The change from factory finish to an even, all-over matt wrap is cost-effective because it eliminates the lengthy preparation otherwise associated with spraying and, in the hands of experts, is relatively quick to apply. The film is very durable and resistant to motor fuels, oils, antifreeze, detergent solution and battery acid.

Usually, VWS III is only available as a colour matching service but the new Matt Black, is being offered by KPMF as a stock product. Interest is global as a result of a sample mailshot that was sent to the Company's distributors throughout the world.

For further information visit the website www.kpmfdirect.co.uk

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