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Wrap it, don't scrap it

The trainers Gill Harrison and Phil Moran
The trainers Gill Harrison and Phil Moran
Gill Harrison doing a demonstration on the course.

As the cost of living crisis and rising inflation bite, expensive interior upgrades will no longer be a priority for most, boosting the popularity of the cheaper architectural film alternative.

William Smith Group 1832 have recognised this growing demand and has been leading the way in the training of the next generation of suppliers and installers for more than a decade.

The training courses are led by Gill Harrison and John Raine, alongside Mike Szwacki, who was awarded the ‘best is Europe’ accolade for his expertise in vehicle wrapping. The team use their extensive experience to teach those wanting to learn new skills and add to those they already have.

“Maybe you’re looking for a new direction, changing your current path or expanding into new markets,” said Lindsay Appleton, marketing manager at Architextural, part of the William Smith Group 1832. “William Smith’s training academy has the knowledge and expertise to make sure you are on the right path.”

While the first vehicle wrapping training course offered by the Academy first began in 2008, the art of kitchen wrapping was new to the Academy in 2022 and is devoted to training professionals on how to correctly apply Architectural Films in the kitchen environment.

Knowledge is power and since the popularity of kitchen wrapping has exploded in the UK as a way to upcycle existing surfaces, many are looking to offer it as part of their business. The trainers at Architextural all have years of experience using self-adhesive films used in the courses on offer.

Windows, too, are fast becoming something that consumers are looking to improve, especially with rising costs of energy. Did you know windows are an easy way to make a building more energy efficient? The Academy offers training that explains the difference between solar and safety window films for buildings, as well as how to get that perfect solution for the customer’s needs.

If something can be wrapped then the trainers at the Academy will have the know-how and when it comes to Architectural Film, the sky really is the limit.

If you are interested in booking onto one of their courses, visit their dedicated training calendar where you can find out more details about what is on offer, prices and upcoming dates. See the calendar here:www.williamsmith.co.uk/training/1

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