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isignstock.com launches new contributor area!

Here at isignstock we've taken on board feedback from our contributors. Our new features make managing a collection easier, so our photographers can spend more time with their cameras and less time stuck at their desks!

isignstock logoAssign releases to 100s of images at the click of a button!

Our release area now gives the option to filter your collection by specific releases, upload dates, original filenames or even search 'file name contains' (eg. to find summershoot2010_6.jpg you could type 'summer' or '2010'). Once you have made a selection you can assign multiple releases to all the images at once - simply by clicking 'assign to selected images'. We are particularly proud of this smart feature and hope it will give users the incentive to grow their collections with us.

More exciting contributor news

We have made claiming earnings much more simple. Our new 'fast payout button' means that each time your royalties rise above that $60 mark you can let us know straight away and we'll start processing your payment. From what you've been telling us this button certainly won't be short of use!

"From day one contributing images to Ingram's www.ingimage.com and www.isignstock.com has been a trouble free and rewarding partnership, my only regret is that I didn't join earlier!"
Michael Travers

"Of course I'm happy with the revenues from www.isignstock.com and will be strongly recommend this agency to other artists."
Alexey Klementiev

Finally, starting this month we have created a new collection of premium isignstock content! From now on we will be handpicking our favourite images to distribute on our premium royalty free subscription site www.ingimage.com. This offers the chance of greatly enhanced revenues for contributors.

About Ingram Image

Founded in 1995, Ingram Image (formally Ingram Publishing) is an established supplier of creative visual content. Its collections comprise royalty free photography, vector (EPS) files and fonts – all of which are available as single images, on CD/DVDs or by subscription. Images and Collections are available for purchase on both www.ingrampublishing.com, www.ingimage.com, www.isignstock.com www.reflexstock.com and also through an extensive worldwide distributor network. Ingram Image is based in Hammersmith London, from where its multi national sales teams currently serve direct customers in nine European countries.

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