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Second hand equipment for sale - placing an advert free of charge

If you would want to advertise any second hand equipment for sale, it is free of charge to non-trade suppliers.

You can do so by following the next steps:

First Login or create a new user

1. Go to the login button on the website.

SignUpdate login botton

2. Click on the sign up button.

SignUpdate Sign up

3. Fill in the information on the next screen. Only the fields with stars behind them are mandatory.


4. Click on the blue sign up button.

SignUpdate sign up botton

5. Then as the last step you will receive an e-mail with further instructions, after you complete these instructions you will be able to login. There is a possiblity that we'll have to authorise this isn't always done automatically - if the options to place an advert online do not appear call us on 01784 605 601 and we'll authorise this while you're on the phone.

Advert creation (Once logged in)

Once logged in, click on the 'CLASSIFIEDS' drop down meny and select 'User Adverts'.

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